4 Professional Tips for Cutting Aluminium with a Circular Saw

Is cutting your aluminium plates or sheets to achieve straight and smooth finishes using a circular saw challenging? Are you a beginner and need to learn a few tricks and tips to perfect your aluminium cutting skills? This post discusses four essential tips to enhance your aluminium cutting prowess to ensure high accuracy and consistency when working with circular blades on aluminium. Read on to learn more. 

Choose the Ideal Circular Blade 

Seasoned metal cutters and beginners know that starting with the basics is crucial. When selecting the right circular blade, it's wise to fit it into the cutting material. Generally, a woodworking blade will work on aluminium sheets or plates. However, opt for circular blades with carbide tips which work well with metallic materials. 

However, since aluminium is non-ferrous, choose blades specifically designed for such materials. Consult your circular blade manufacturer for aluminium-grade carbide tips for excellent results. Ideally, consider the blade's teeth. The most important thing to remember is the reverse proportion aspect. For thin aluminium sheets, choose circular blades with many teeth. However, choose blades with compact teeth if you're working on thicker aluminium plates. 

Select High-Quality Circular Blades 

Another essential factor to consider when choosing a circular blade is its quality. Poor quality blades don't cut aluminium sheets to precision and might break quickly when overworked. Ideally, a high-quality circular blade should consist of carbide-made teeth. 

You can also purchase high-quality blades at an affordable price with comprehensive market research. Cost-savings are often a critical factor in aluminium cutting. Choosing a high-quality, durable circular blade ensures optimal results while improving the overall cut accuracy and quality. 

Always Clamp Your Aluminum Workpiece 

Are you experiencing challenges achieving smooth cuts when working on aluminium, especially for thicker materials? If yes, you can make the task easier by clamping the workpiece. Some circular saws come with standard clamping tools but might not be adequate for larger aluminium pieces. 

Often, it's wiser to invest in at least two C-clamps for your aluminium-cutting project. These clamps secure the material to prevent unnecessary movements while cutting the workpiece. However, consider choosing industrial-grade clamps for enhanced quality and durability. 

Use a Guide for Straight Cuts

Finally, consider using a guide to achieve straight, smooth and accurate cuts when cutting aluminium sheets. While you can use any professional guide when cutting, you can use conventional guides that don't require any initial investment. For example, a square wooden board can help you maximise your cutting accuracy. Ideally, these guides help minimise errors and your chances of risking binding.

For more information on aluminium cutting, contact an industrial supplier near you.
