How to Prepare for a Large Delivery of Pallets

If you're expecting a pallet delivery, you may be wondering about the best way to handle the delivery. To protect your bottom line and to ensure the pallets are safe, there are a few things you should do. Check out the following tips.

1. Clear Space for the Delivery

On the day the pallet delivery is expected to arrive, clear a space for the pallets. Ideally, you need the delivery door to be clear of obstructions, and you need a clear path from there to where the pallets are going to go.

2. Choose a Safe Spot to Store Your Pallets

You also need to ensure you have a safe spot to store the pallets. The spot should be safe for both your employees and the pallets. To protect employees, you need to keep pallets out of walkways where they may become a tripping hazard, but you also need to ensure that you don't stack the pallets haphazardly in a way that they might fall on employees. Pallet racking can help with that.

In terms of keeping the pallets safe, you want them protected from the elements. If you have to store them outside, consider covering them with a tarp, keeping them close to the building, and potentially chaining them in place to prevent theft. Inside, they need to be safe from corrosive elements and chemicals.

3. Check Order Before Signing

In the world of shipping and receiving, pallets can be a valuable commodity. One or more pallets may have been stolen during transport, or some pallets may simply have gotten lost along the way. Before the delivery person leaves, double check the invoice with the shipment you received and make sure all the pallets are present.

4. Look Over the Condition of the Pallets

When you buy new pallets, they should look new. Before accepting the order, take some time to look over the quality of the pallets. Make sure they don't have loose boards or other signs of damage. To ensure you get a quality product, always choose your pallet company carefully. Make sure you select a company with a good track record of customer satisfaction.

5. Make Sure the Pallets Have the Right Stamps

Pallet manufacturers put stamps on their pallets, verifying that the pallets meet certain requirements. Make sure that your pallets have the stamps you expect them to have. For instance, if you ordered ISPM 15 pallet, you need to make sure that stamp shows up on your pallet. The ISPM 15 standard is an international standard designed to stop pests from going from area to area.
