What Recruiters Need to Check for With a Dogging Licence

If you're a job recruiter, and you may have recently taken on contracts requiring staff to have dogging licence. You may already know that a dogging licence is required for anyone who will be doing any aspect of dogman activities on a worksite. What you may not know, is what exactly to look for with a dogging licence and the experience the person should have in order to be hired as part of a staff for your client. Here are a few key points to look for during interview and recruiting process to narrow down the ideal dogman crew for your client.

Weight Load Experience

One of the points that is covered in dogging training and licensing is weight load determination. Though this is covered in most training courses, the hands on experience can be vital to your client who is seeking an experienced dogman. The weight load has to be determined, adjusted, and marked by someone who has experience with slinging loads and handling the moving of those loads. This means that if they can handle basic questions on weight load and have experience, they likely have vital experience in other areas of dogging that your client will need on the worksite. That makes the weight load experience and questions an ideal option to narrow down your recruitment list easily.

Dogging Equipment Experience

The equipment used in dogging must be inspected and checked on a routine basis. Though this is generally done by someone in maintenance, some worksites like to have the licenced dogman do it before and after each workday. By checking to see if they have this experience, you are narrowing down people who have not only prepared the loads, but have actually moved the loads and used the equipment on a routine basis, or at least on a previous job. This helps narrow down dogman who may not have this and would require significant training time on the site.

Sign-Off Checks and References

It is a standard procedure to check the references of anyone coming through your recruiting business. However, if you are narrowing down dogmen for your client, then you may want to take and additional reference check. This additional check is to ask to speak to, or check references with, the sign off manager that was over the potential recruit. The work that is done by dogman must be signed off by an upper level manager on a daily basis. This person can be an ideal point of contact for how the potential recruit handled their dogging tasks.

Keep in mind, these are only a few of the key points. There are other things to look for, but by looking for these three key points, you will be able to narrow down the recruitment choices easily. You will also have a good checklist for your own recruiting staff who may not be as familiar with dogging and licencing as you or other members of your team are.
