Two Types of Equipment Every Industrial Manufacturer Should Hire

There are certain kinds of equipment which can be very useful in an industrial setting. Here are two examples of vital pieces of equipment that every manufacturer should rent from an equipment hire company.

A boom lift

In an industrial facility, employees often need to perform work at a height. They may, for example, have to repair a very tall piece of machinery or gain access to products that are positioned on a shelf that is several metres above the ground.

Using a ladder to carry out this type of work can be extremely dangerous. A ladder is not particularly stable and can easily be knocked over if someone accidentally bumps into it whilst walking past, or if the person standing on it leans backwards.

Additionally, it is all too easy for a person's feet or hands to slip when they are on a ladder, particularly in instances where they are using oil or water-based products to perform a task (for example, if they are standing on a ladder whilst washing a large piece of machinery or lubricating a machine's metal components).

A fall from a ladder could leave a person with serious fractures or head injuries. It could also lead to nearby employees being struck and hurt by any falling materials the person on the ladder was carrying.

For these reasons, it is essential for every industrial manufacturer to hire at least one boom lift for their facility. This piece of equipment provides a stable base from which to perform work at a height; unlike a ladder, which can easily be thrown off balance, a boom lift is a sturdy, robust item that will not tip over if someone bumps into it or if the person on its elevated platform leans too far forward or backward.

Additionally, because the platform on which the person stands is surrounded by guardrails, there is very little chance of this individual falling to the ground, even if they trip or faint whilst carrying out their work.

A forklift

If a manufacturer chooses not to rent a forklift from an equipment hire company, there is a chance that their business' efficiency levels will suffer and that their employees will sustain injuries.

The reason for this is as follows; without a forklift, employees will be forced to manually move the materials that are used to produce the facility's products.

This could reduce the speed at which these products are processed. It could also increase the risk of employees sustaining back, neck and knee injuries, if the materials that they have to carry are heavy.

Conversely, if a manufacturer keeps a hired forklift on their premises, their employees will be able to use this equipment to move large or heavy materials from one area to another quickly and easily, without risking their personal safety or slowing down the rate at which the facility's products are made.

To learn more about equipment hire, contact a company like Master Hire Pty Ltd.
