Four Crucial Tips for Ensuring Your Scaffolding Components Last Longer

Scaffolding systems are designed and built to provide long-term service. However, these setups are exposed to high mechanical stress due to their application in construction and renovation projects. The constant impact during use and continuous load-bearing can cause the scaffolding parts to deteriorate prematurely. Moreover, the exposure to harsh weather can further accelerate the general degradation. Therefore, if you have recently purchased a scaffolding system, you should consider using these practical tips to maximise the unit's service life.

Protect from Moisture

Scaffolds can withstand exposure to rain. However, constant contact with moisture will cause the eventual degradation of the metal components. For instance, if your scaffolding system is made from steel, the impact of moisture will not be immediately apparent. However, the surfaces and joints will rust and experience corrosion. As a result, the scaffolding will become unusable prematurely. Therefore, where possible, you should protect your scaffold from rainwater and other sources of moisture.

Clean before Storing

You should clean the surfaces of your construction scaffolding after handling an at-height project and before storing it. Often, the surfaces of the scaffold accumulate mud, stucco, concrete and other particles on the structure. If you store the system in its dirty state, the particles will cause the accelerated abrasion and weathering of the metal components. Also, the accumulated dirt could hide some structural damage. Simple clean-up will preserve the appearance and function of the scaffold and ensure that malfunctions are discovered early.

Lubricate Joints

You should use a suitable lubricant to prevent the lockup of the scaffolding joints and accessories. The application of appropriate oil around the bolts and nuts will prevent the build-up of rust and subsequent lock-up. Additionally, lubrication keeps moving and removable components in a good state. Simple lubrication procedures can improve the performance of your scaffold, promote efficiency and prevent unnecessary slowdowns. The process will also extend the scaffolding life by preventing premature rusting of the structure. 

Replace Worn Out Parts

The scaffolding will experience gradual wear even if you carry out the correct maintenance tasks. Therefore, you should perform regular inspections to identify the degraded parts. For example, you should look for components which are bent, split, rusted and fatigued. Remember, early detection will allow for quick replacement and restoration of the scaffolding system. Also, you will promote safety in your worksite by performing essential repairs.

If your scaffolding system is out-of-commission due to repairs, you should think about hiring an alternative to sustain your construction project needs. 
